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29 April 2019

My Top 7 Most Anticipated Games of 2019

Whether written down or keeping mental notes, we all have a 'most anticipated games' list. A list that we make and continue to add to when we find out a game, or games, are scheduled to be released throughout the year.

Even though we're already 4 months into 2019, I thought I'd include this mini-post I started to write a while ago as a 'get to know me' video game edition post. This way you can get a sense of what games I like, and see if you and I have similar tastes.

And hey, you might even pick up a recommendation or two.

Let's get stuck in.

1. Luigi's Mansion 3 

Who else is looking forward to Luigi getting back in action with his ghost-busting skills?

After the release of Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon, a sequel to the original Luigi's Mansion that came out on GameCube back in 2001, many of us did not expect Nintendo to announce yet another game in this series. 

Although we have been teased with a trailer, we have so many questions and barely any answers. Will Luigi's Mansion 3 be like the missioned based portable sequel, or will it return to the singular mansion from the first game that people are nostalgic for? Sadly we'll have to wait for E3 or a later in the year Direct to find this out.

However, from what we can tell this game appears to be set in a hotel (welcome to the Luigi's Twilight Zone), and it's hinted that other favoured characters: Mario, and maybe Peach, are linked to the third instalment - but we have no idea why or how. It looks like Nintendo might have a trick or two up their sleeve with this one.

2. Yoshi's Crafted World

This one is already out - so you can tell I started writing this a while ago.

I already purchased this game and played it, but initially, I was super excited for it. Yoshi is one of my favourite characters, so there was no doubt in my mind that this game would be pre-ordered.

My review of this game is coming soon.

3. Town

You if love a wide range of video games you probably know of Game Freak, especially if you're a Pokémon fan. But they don't just make Pokémon games - shocking, I know.

Their latest venture away from Pokémon is another RPG called Town. The title is technically a working title, but to be honest they will probably keep to this title as everyone knows it as Town.

From the trailer, we know that it's about a town that has been overrun by monsters, where your character, along with other villagers, must help the town not to be overrun by them. The voiceover alludes to a secret the town hides, but of course, we won't know what that is until we play the game.

We've only had one trailer for Game Freak's new baby last year, and we've never zero whispers about it, so perhaps this game might be pushed back until early 2020. Or maybe the intention is to give this game a shorter marketing window, which seems to be growing in popularity. Whichever it is I hope we get more information soon.

4. Final Fantasy

Ok, this is me cheating a bit here seen as there are a number of Final Fantasy games that have already come out this year: VII, IX, and more recently Final Fantasy X/X-2. Unlike VII and IX, X/X-2 was available to buy as a physical copy*. However, there are a couple more that we know about that also have a 2019 release date.

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is dropping on 30th April on the eShop and can be purchased physically at game retailers.

The final game from this series that we know is coming out this year is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, although we have not had an update on this one since it was announced to be released in 2019. Seen as there have been so many Final Fantasy games this quarter, perhaps this game will be given a date during the middle to end of the year.

*Note: Final Fantasy X is on a physical cart, whereas X-2 only comes as a download code. However if you'd prefer to not have a download code, Play Asia offers both X and X-2 on a single cartridge here.

5. Animal Crossing

Another one of the most anticipated games for the Switch, Animal Crossing. We don't know much about this at present, but do we really need to know much more than the fact it's definitely coming to the Switch at some point this year? Probably not.

Nintendo will more than likely reveal a lot more during their E3 presentation, but part of me is hoping that another mini reveal happens during one of their Nintendo Directs. I'm not asking for much, am I Nintendo?

I'm placing bets that it'll be coming out between August and early October 2019.

6. Pokémon Sword & Shield

Gen 8 is coming!

We are FINALLY getting a brand new Pokémon game. Although Pokémon Let's Go has tide us over, a new game is something that Pokémon fans have been waiting for since the Switch launched.

If you haven't seen the latest trailer, here's a mini summary of what we know: this generation is set in the Galor region, and is subsequently based on the UK. The towns are connected with train lines and in one image you get a very industrial feel.

Of course are three starters: Scorbunny - a fire rabbit, Grookey - a shy looking grass monkey, and Sobble - a water type Pokémon that looks like it could cry at any second.

Most Pokémon games are released around the end of September to early December, so we can probably expect to see this title being released around the same time.

7. Witchbrook

Witchbrook is a game I've had at the top of my most anticipated games list since it was announced. Cross between having a Stardew Valley and Harry Potter theme, this game looks like it will knock your socks off when it gets released. However, I recently learnt that this game might not be coming out for another year or two.

At first, I was a little disappointed, but after the initial "oh no!" shock factor wore off, I'm actually glad it not coming out yet. Partly because I don't think my bank balance can handle another must purchase this year, but also because I'd rather Chucklefish make this the best game they've ever done - no pressure there! Plus game development can be tricky, take longer than originally expected and let's face it, it's all about quality. We want games to be good so that we experience the best they have to offer and not something that's second rate just so it can make the initial release date.

What are your most anticapted games coming out in 2019?

*Promotional images were used for this article.

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